Hi, my name is Damien Rebelo Da Costa. I am a developer.
Here you can learn more about, what I did and what I want to do.
In this section you can find my games, you can also watch my showreel.
Made in HTML5
Made with Unity
About Me
Education :
- - create a basic Express web server
- - use Mongoose to access a MongoDB database in an Express app
- - create a RESTful web API using Node, Express, and MongoDB
- - protect selected routes with token-based authentication in an Express app
- - handle user files in an Express app
Programming web and mobile games in HTML5, BabylonJS or with Unity and Unreal.
DUT Informatique - IUT de Vélizy (equivalent of BTEC HND) - 2011 to 2013Programming and algorithmic in C, C++, Java, J2EE. Learning of UML, unix environment, network and databases.
work experiences :
Reception and training job seekers in digital tools within Pôle Emploi.
Web developer – Château SARL (Paris) - May to October 2016>Development and maintenance of applications in php, SQL and angularJS. I had to refactor SQL request and debug front-end with angularJS
Level Designer – Independant Game Company (Paris) - December 2014 to January 2015>Level design on a puzzle game using the software Tiled for a web browser game
Game Developer – Independant Game Compagny (Paris) - February to April 2014>Development of a typing game for web browser in HTML5
Participation in the prototyping of a hack’n slash game with Unity. Game Design and prototyping of the UI.
Internship to validate my DUT. Development in C++ for microsoft kinect. Creation of functions in C++ that make it possible to use informations from a kinect to determine a subject’s center of gravity for medical purpose.
You can contact me on contact@damien-rd.fr